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¡Que viva   |   Animation film  |  Hand paintend film and photocopy  |  2019

Filmmaker Festival Milan, 2019    |    Short Movie Club Film Festival, Unfiltered Cinema, Minsk, Belarus, 2020    |    66 International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Open Screening online, Germany, 2020    |    Lonely at the party, Metaforte, Cavallino-Treporti Venezia, 2020    |    ISFFC International Short Film Festival Canton China, 2020    |    T-short animated Film Festival, official selection in Experimental Film out-of-competition, 2021  |   VAA, Video Art Award, Centro Luigi Di Sarro, winner, 2022  |   Indocili, Cinema Beltrade, Milano, 2023  |   Best Artist Film at The Next Generation Film Festival, 2022  |  

¡Que viva is a short animation on the theme of bullfighting, in which looks and faces are like shotguns or a bullfighter. A reflection on the struggle and the act of seeing, the encounter between the victim and the viewer's gaze through bullfighting, seen both as a ritual sacrifice and as a cruel struggle. The images mix hand paintings on glass and analogically modified frames of Sergej Ejzenstejn’s Que viva Mexico!

© 2014 · all rights reserved / © all content on this website is the work of Giulia Savorani and cannot be used or distributed without written consent by the artist.